My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Monday, June 9, 2014


We have been picking a few mulberries every morning from Oma's tree, mostly just to eat immediately, but some to save for later.  It is a tree, not a bush, although as you can see in the picture below, it does look very bushy.  It has a thick tree trunk but the branches come down so low and the leaves are so full and dense that it seems like an enormous bush, just like in the song.

The berries are very sweet and juicy when ripe.  The juice is a beautiful deep red color but luckily it does not stain, otherwise we would be in trouble. 

We made a very limited supply of jam with the berries and also have been eating them over vanilla ice cream.  So yummy!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Swim Time

The girls' Leila and Pho Pho have a beautiful pool in their backyard.  So last weekend we went swimming for the first time this summer.  The girls got new bathing suits since their size 3T ones from last year a too snug.  We yelled for the camera to keep things interesting.  It's a lot more fun for them than just posing and smiling.

They practiced swimming on their own by degrees while wearing their life jackets.  Last summer T was definitely a water baby.  She still is the one who wants to go further into the pool, way before her sister is ready too.  She can now paddle around the whole pool by herself.  She even went in the deep end, which made me so nervous.  I was with her, but since I haven't been swimming in so long I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep us both afloat if something went wrong.  But she did great and the life jacket, of course, is a huge help.  

D still doesn't want to let go of our hands and chokes on water when she does. It won't take her long to get the hang of it though.  I'm going to sign them up for swim classes in July.  We'll see what skills they are able to pick up there.

Baby M also got some pool time.  She was not a fan.  I think the pool was a little too cold for her taste.  I brought out her little bath sling for her to sit in but she let me know really quickly that she wanted back up in my arms.

 She did look so precious in her tiny bathing suit though, especially with her chunky thighs.