My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Friday, March 8, 2013

Keeping Busy

So Wednesday morning came along and between the girls waking up early and having nothing outside the house planned, the hours seemed to stretch on til lunch time.  So I decided to try out something I saw on Pinterest to keep the girls entertained.

I took two of the girls' play buckets upstairs to our office filled them with shredded paper.  Then I added a few toys in as surprises for the girls to find. Miss D has been spending a lot of time tearing up paper anyway so this just expanded the possibilities for her.

They spent a good half an hour playing around with the paper and then the toys they found mixed in.  The dining room looked a bit like disaster area.  But seeing as it took them awhile to pick up the paper and put it away (along with dumping it back out again and picking it up again), the mess turned out to be a good thing.  A good chunk of the morning was spent happily.

Afterward they colored and played with stickers for a little while.  Coloring doesn't hold their attention for too long and usually leads to random surfaces getting covered with crayon marks but it is a little break and they do enjoy it while it holds their attention. 


They love stickers.  I end up rationing them out because they go through them so fast.  Dora, peace signs and rainbows now cover their papers and the table.  We made it to lunch time (and after that nap time!) all in happy moods.  Hurray!

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