My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pinnacle Mountain

We used to go hiking every so often up to the peak at Pinnacle Mountain State Park before the girls were born.  We'd bring Anna with us even though some of the rocky areas were a little slippery at times.  The views from the top were beautiful.  That of course stopped when I got pregnant.  We had seen pregnant women hiking to the peak every once in a while and I thought I'd be doing that too.  But there was no way I could make it up there even at four months along, no way. 
But now we get to go back to Pinnacle Mountain and have a much different experience than we use to have.  There is an nice little playground right off the parking lot for the west summit trail.  The girls had a lot of fun experiencing it for their first time last week. 

Here is D playing around the mushroom stools.  I went to the playground again today with a friend and actually sat both D and T on those stools without hovering over them terrified they would fall . . . very proud of myself. 

 Miss T is thinking about climbing up.  She later decided stairs were easier and went up another way instead.

Most of the time they toddled around.  They stumbled up to the different play structures and would check them out then waddle on to another one or just plunk down and examine the wood chips and foam pathways.

Playing with the wood chips.  And eating in too.  Why does everything have to go into the mouth? 

Miss D sat on the stump stool all by herself. It is amazing how fast they learn new things.

Next to the playground is a 1/2 mile paved loop trail that I never realized was there.  I had vaguely thought something was over there but never paid enough attention when we were going up to the peak.  It is a nice little trail though showing a wetland habitat.  Some of the trees are amazingly huge and have all sorts of interesting shapes.

Have to be careful to check for ticks afterward though.  I found one crawling on me when we got back to the car and subsequently bathed the girls and combed the dog when we got home just in case.
Today my friend and I ran into an angry snake crossing the path.  It wouldn't move so we turned back the way we came instead.  It was similar to a rattlesnake but shorter in length and sans rattle.  I'm thinking it was most likely a cottonmouth.  It was definitely not a happy snake.

Pinnacle Mountain is nice area and I am so glad we have found a way to go back there again with the girls.  As they grow we will tackle the more difficult trails again.

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