My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Friday, February 8, 2013

Finger Painting

Today I decided to try out finger paints with the girls.  Now we have done some painting in the bathtub with pudding, so this wasn't something completely foreign to them.  But having a variety of colors and painting on paper at their high chairs was definitely something new and different.

I made the edible finger paints in a pot with 1/2 cup cornstarch, 3 tablespoons sugar, 2 cups of water and food coloring following a recipe I found on Pinterest.  Heat it up on medium heat and take it off the heat when it reaches a thin pudding consistency.  I let it go too long because I was not paying it as much attention as I should have.  But I just thinned it out with more water and it was fine. 

It turned out much sweeter than I expected.  I was worried the girls would be more interested in eating it than in painting with it.  Luckily they are past the worst of that stage.  Although some ended up in their mouth, they were too busy playing with it to be that interested.

I taped down some blank card stock with painter's tape thinking the tape wouldn't tear the paper but it did unfortunately.   I also cut out some masking tape heart shapes to block the color to make little Valentine's Day cards.  I will still salvage the paintings with some modgepodge, but that idea is a fail.   Bummer.

I made it easy on myself and gave the girls both red and blue but yellow only to D and green only to T.  This way I can tell whose is whose even though I haven't labelled them yet.  I always make sure to do something like that otherwise it gets too confusing.

After the girls had fun for awhile (including getting some paint in their hair, on their face and mixing the paint together in the cups), I decided it was bath time.  I wiped their hands and brought them and the paint up to the bathtub for some more fun.  I got some cute videos of them painting the walls and each other.  Then I washed it all away and scrubbed them up.  We had a good time and though it was a bit of work, at least it kept them busy for a long time and did not end up being too messy.

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