My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day at the Farm

We went to visit a farm today.  A friend of a friend who owned the farm had an outing there for a bunch of children.  It was very generous of her to open her home (and her barn) to us.  We drove through woods to reach the farm. The bright sunlight filtered down in patches through the trees. Two does bounded across the country road on the way. The weather was sunny but not too warm and really made a lovely day perfect.

The girls met their first horses, ducklings, chicks and a very sweet dog named Dixie.  I don't think they really knew what to make of the ducklings and horses.  My friend held Dara and showed her a duckling up close and she stared at it so intently.  Then she got upset and started crying becase too many children were crowding around to see the duckling.  But Tess' and her stranger anxiety seems to be improving as long as they aren't overwhelmed with too many new things.

It was a nice way to celebrate their 10 month birthday.  I can't believe 10 months have already gone by.  Where does the time go?  They are not the itty bitty babies they used to be.  Now they are such big chunks with chubby, chubby cheeks.  Dara also cut her first tooth today.  So now we have three teeth between two babies.

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