My Life

I am a mother of three precious girls, an avid crafter and have recently returned to California after eight years in other states

Monday, July 15, 2013

Toddler Beds

Well, now that pacifiers are gone, the next step to accomplish this summer was transitioning to toddler beds. This weekend we busted out the Allen wrenches and a power drill and got to work turning the girls' cribs into beds with a small and ineffectual railing on the front. 

At bedtime, I put the girls to bed as usual, walked away and grabbed a snack thinking, "that wasn't bad."  Then the screams started.  We had put the gate up so they couldn't leave the room, but Miss D pulled open the door and stood at the gate crying.  Miss T remained in bed throughout the extra hour and a half it took for them to fall asleep but she cried a lot too.  After two separate attempts on my husband's and my part, I ended up sitting on the floor near the door until they fell asleep.

Then around midnight, T started screaming again.  I went in there and discovered them both on the floor next to their beds.  T was screaming for me while D was snoring, completely oblivious to the fact that she rolled out of bed.  Later that morning, D woke up to go potty and didn't go back to bed for a good hour or so with me sitting on the floor by the door.  They woke up at 5am, so this momma did not get much sleep.

Luckily last night went much better.  They went to bed without a peep.  T woke up twice during the night because she rolled out of bed but didn't take long to go back to sleep.  I need to do something about her railing.  For now I'll roll up a towel and stick it under the sheet along the edge.  Hopefully that will help keep her from tumbling out.  I need to find another railing that runs at least the majority of the length of the bed.

I'm sure like with the pacifier, we will have good nights and bad nights as they adjust to the new beds and new freedom.   Hopefully the next few nights will be good ones.

1 comment:

  1. A pool noodle under the fitted sheet works as a simple rail, and they're at the dollar store :)

    Kaitlyn and Kayla got out of bed all the time until we got 'the cow clock', it's a simple clock with two pictures, one of the cow awake and one of it asleep. The light switches from one to the other at whatever time you set, so the girls know when the cow is awake, they can wake up too. We use it for nighttime and naptime. I can't overstate how amazing it was for them!!! You can find them on Amazon or Ebay, I think they're around $20.

    The girls start school full time in two weeks, I don't know how much we'll see you after that, unless you see them out and about with their parents on the weekend. Thank heavens for Facebook so I can keep up with you and your girls :) Ellen
